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"Pages for logged out editors" is appearing in link previews when shared with some external sites
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Prior title: In vector-user-menu-anon-editor use something besides <p> tags

Feature summary (what you would like to be able to do and where):
In the "..." menu for non logged in users, an entry is formatted with a paragraph tag, could this be changed to something else?

Use case(s) (list the steps that you performed to discover that problem, and describe the actual underlying problem which you want to solve. Do not describe only a solution):
Reported on enwiki in

Benefits (why should this be implemented?):
Some external tools such as Discourse are confusing this menu for content, and including it when it isn't useful

Event Timeline

TheDJ changed the subtype of this task from "Feature Request" to "Bug Report".
Jdlrobson renamed this task from In vector-user-menu-anon-editor use something besides <p> tags to "Pages for logged out editors" is appearing in link previews when shared on discord (In vector-user-menu-anon-editor use something besides <p> tags).Jan 26 2023, 8:11 PM
Jdlrobson triaged this task as Medium priority.
Jdlrobson moved this task from Incoming to Not ready to estimate on the Web-Team-Backlog board.
Jdlrobson added a subscriber: ovasileva.
Xaosflux renamed this task from "Pages for logged out editors" is appearing in link previews when shared on discord (In vector-user-menu-anon-editor use something besides <p> tags) to "Pages for logged out editors" is appearing in link previews when shared with some external sites.Jan 26 2023, 9:25 PM
Xaosflux updated the task description. (Show Details)

I do see that element is no longer wrapped in paragraph tags:

	<div class="vector-menu-heading">
		Pages for logged out editors <a href="/wiki/Help:Introduction" aria-label="Learn more about editing"><span>learn more</span></a>

I don't have an account on that external platform to test though

Will ping the original on-wiki reporter to check.

Xaosflux claimed this task.