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Create kerberos principal for user matmarex
Closed, ResolvedPublic


User matmarex (Bartosz Dziewoński) is a WMF employee in the Editing team and has been with us since at least 2015. Here is his initial access request: T119404#1829716
He has been a memeber of analytics-privatedata-users group since January 2021 (T268801) and prior to that he was in the researchers group, with approval recorded here: T119404#1870536

Whilst he has been a superset user for some time, he does not yet have a kerberos principal so has not been able to use the CLI based tools to access the analytics data.
This was uncovered in a discussion on slack (relating to a query that had stopped working) and it was agreed that a kerberos pricipal for Bartosz would be appropriate.

I will add the principal now.

Event Timeline

BTullis moved this task from Untriaged to Ready To Go on the SRE-Access-Requests board.

I have created the principal.

btullis@krb1001:~$ sudo get matmarex
get_principal: Principal does not exist while retrieving "matmarex@WIKIMEDIA".

btullis@krb1001:~$ sudo create matmarex
Principal successfully created. Make sure to update data.yaml in Puppet.
Successfully sent email to

@matmarex - please be aware that these emails have a tendency to be detected as spam by the Gmail filter, so the instructions on how to use your new kerberos tokens may well be in your spam folder.

Please let us know if you have any queries or concerns.