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[GSoC project idea] Improve Programs & Events Dashboard UX for Article Scoped Programs
Closed, ResolvedPublic


IMPORTANT: Make sure to read the GSoC participant instructions and communication guidelines thoroughly before commenting on this task. This space is for project-specific questions, so avoid asking questions about getting started, setting up Gerrit, etc. When in doubt, ask your question on Zulip first!

Brief summary

Programs & Events Dashboard has a powerful set of features for defining the scope of articles that you want to track edits to, which are enabled by selecting the 'Article Scoped Program' event type. However, these features are not very intuitive or discoverable. The goal of this project is to improve the event creation user experience so that event organizers can more easily configure the Dashboard to track only the articles they want to track, using whichever of the available scoping methods (assignments, categories, templates, PetScan, and/or PagePile) is most appropriate for their program. You can learn a little more about these methods here:

The user interface should explicitly note the methods for scoping a course at the point of choosing the program type, it should guide users who have created an ArticleScopedProgram that doesn't have any in-scope articles yet on how to set up the desired scoping, and it should make the current scoping settings more obvious (eg, as part of the Home tab) when viewing such a program.

The event creation UI is primarily done via a client-side frontend built with React.js.

Advice for prospective interns working on the Dashboard:

Skills required

  • Web design / prototyping
  • React.js
  • Familiarity with Ruby is helpful but not required
  • Familiarity with wikis and/or Wikidata helpful but not required
  • Experience with or interest in user research helpful but not required

Possible mentor(s)

  • Sage Ross (Ragesoss)


Event Timeline

Hey, would love to work on these, where do I ask for a slack invite?

I am interested in contributing to this project. what are the further proceeding i need to do?

@eren023 check out the 'students and interns' doc linked in the description. That has info on how to get started.

HI! I have experience with React and I would love to start contributing to this project. Can I please get the Slack invite so I can get involved in the community?

Thank you!

HI! I have experience with React and I would love to start contributing to this project. Can I please get the Slack invite so I can get involved in the community?

Thank you!

Please send me your email address to sage @

HI! I have experience with React and I would love to start contributing to this project. Can I please get the Slack invite so I can get involved in the community?

Thank you!

Please send me your email address to sage @

Just did! Thank you.

I am a sophomore at Nit Rourkela.
I have worked on various web development projects using NextJS and ReactJS as frontend, ApolloGraphQl, and MongoDB in the backend.
I would absolutely love to be a part of this community.
Can someone guide me through the steps?
Thank You.
Ashish Padhy

@shurtu-gal Hi! Please join Zulip chat for more general questions and to connect with fellow candidates:

You can join WikiEdu's slack channel, for project-specific discussion. To obtain an invite to join the Slack, see instructions in their contribution guidelines:

I am delighted to introduce myself to the Wikimedia Foundation.
My name is Tuohan Zhou, and I am pursuing a BS degree in Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States.
I've been learning React and web design for a long time, and I'm looking forward to applying what I've learned to real projects!
I also have some other exciting ideas, and I hope you like my proposal!
Nice to meet you!

Ps: I have sent my email address to Please check it, thank you!

srishakatux closed subtask Restricted Task as Declined.Apr 6 2023, 5:28 PM

Hi! Please consider resolving this task and moving any pending items to a new task, as GSoC/Outreachy rounds are now over, and this workboard will soon be archived.

Ragesoss claimed this task.