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Make Wikiprojects on Wikidata more visible and accessible
Open, Needs TriagePublic


As an editor, I want to easily see which WikiProject corresponds to an Item in order to connect with other like-minded editors and develop standards for editing and creating items.

WikiProjects for Wikidata don’t have any visibility on Wikidata. There are no links or references to WikiProjects on Wikidata – unless a user knows about WikiProjects and knows where to look they will be unable to find it or even know what it is.

To connect Wikidatans to communities in their areas of interest to share knowledge and resources, we want to bring more visibility to WikiProjects on Wikidata.



On the Item page it would be good to have the link to the relevant WikiProject above the fold. We would like it noticeable but not distractingly obvious. Happy to discuss options with you.

Wikipedia currently has it on their Talk page, although it is quite low on the page, it can be seen as a touchpoint for the copy we can use.

Talk pages are not used in the same way on Wikidata, so we would like to have this just as copy and a link on the Item page rather than the talk page. e.g. This Item is of interest to the following WikiProjects: WikiProject Music, WikiProject Arts…

How does Wikipedia do it?

Wikipeadia, with a much more active base on the Talk page displays the WikiProjects (and much much more) on that page.

We would also like to keep it more subtle on Wikidata (i.e. just copy and a link) than they have it in the screenshot below.

The copy that Wikipedia use could be a good reference for Wikidata e.g: This Item is of interest to the following WikiProjects: WikiProject Music, WikiProject Politics…

image.png (868×806 px, 484 KB)


GIVEN an editor
WHEN they visit an Item page
AND see the link to the corresponding/relevant WikiProject(s)
THEN they can click the link to that WikiProject
AND connect with other like-minded editors to develop standards for editing for that topic

Open questions:

  • Can we find a way to get the relevant WikiProjects for a given Item? And is this scaleable i.e. without having to explicitly define this for every individual Item? Ideas so far: let each Wikiproject provide a Property ID or a statement that Items in their area must match.

Original ticket

Wikiprojects are an important piece of Wikidata. They are where people come together and coordinate around certain topics, make modelling decisions, etc. However they are very hidden and do not see enough activity. We want to help expose them more so people interested in certain areas can find their people on Wikidata more easily.

Open questions:

  • Can we find a way to get the relevant WikiProjects for a given Item? And is this scaleable i.e. without having to explicitly define this for every individual Item? Ideas so far: let each Wikiproject provide a Property ID or a statement that Items in their area must match.