Page MenuHomePhabricator gives 500 Internal Server Error
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It seems that the website does not recover/restarted correctly after outage T329535

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

Please have a look what is going on and what could and need fixing. Thanks.

Event Timeline

After not seeing any patch set of libup since the outage of Cloud it seems not only the website is affected, the whole service is not running at the moment.

Sorry feel behind on this, let me see...

Legoktm claimed this task.

Caused by T329949: [Cloud VPS] Trove dbs do not restart after a hypervisor restart, I manually started the database VM and seems to be up - I manually kicked off the jobs to start again.

Thanks. The website is now up, I see also some "recent runs", but no new patch set on gerrit for expected lib upgrades like the codesniffer.

Thanks. The website is now up, I see also some "recent runs", but no new patch set on gerrit for expected lib upgrades like the codesniffer.

Sorry, I forgot I needed to also add the ssh key to the agent. Done, *now* it should be posting patches again...