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[Create new error] Handle EntityContentTooBigException instead of responding with 500 Unexpected Error
Open, Needs TriagePublic5 Estimated Story Points


In cases where we can, we should give the user a clear understanding of what is causing the error i.e., we should add specific error cases where possible and sensible.

Currently users receive a 500 Unexpected error when they send an edit that exceeds the item size limit

Acceptance criteria:

  • The response status code should be 400
  • Error message to be of the form
  "code": "Entity-too-large",
  "message": "Entity size exceeds 20KB."

Event Timeline

Jakob_WMDE set the point value for this task to 5.

I'm cleaning up the tickets after our Monday meeting, and I was wondering why we thought 413 would not fit here?

Ifrahkhanyaree_WMDE renamed this task from Handle EntityContentTooBigException instead of responding with 500 Unexpected Error to [Create new error] Handle EntityContentTooBigException instead of responding with 500 Unexpected Error.Tue, Jun 25, 12:27 PM