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Cherry-pick to stable the family files updates after wiki creations (February 2023)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To allow bots using the stable codebase to run in the recently-created WMF projects, I propose to cherry-pick to stable the following commits:

  • {57e2ca9}
  • {526a622}

Note that Toolforge Pywikibot docs recommend using the stable branch so it may be easier to most users to just git pull origin stable rather than manually cherry-pick these.

Event Timeline

Change 892422 had a related patch set uploaded (by MarcoAurelio; author: Zabe):

[pywikibot/core@stable] Add support for azwikimedia

Change 892423 had a related patch set uploaded (by MarcoAurelio; author: Meno25):

[pywikibot/core@stable] [L10N] Update languages_by_size

Actually there are a number of fixes merged into master that we may wish to backport to stable as well. If you'd like to repurpose this task to include further commits it works for me.

The stable branch should reflect the latest release, so a new release would be needed too.

Change 892422 abandoned by MarcoAurelio:

[pywikibot/core@stable] Add support for azwikimedia


Change 892423 abandoned by MarcoAurelio:

[pywikibot/core@stable] [L10N] Update languages_by_size


The stable branch should reflect the latest release, so a new release would be needed too.

Ack, let's wait for a new release then.

It is planned for the next few days to publish either a new stable release 8.1 or cherry picking family updates and bug fixes to stable and Tag them to 8.0.1. I am mostly afk until until Friday so It could be made on weekend

Xqt claimed this task.
Xqt triaged this task as High priority.

I merged most of the master release to stable and tagged it with 8.0.1. This release was also uploaded to PyPI. It should be available at toolforge tomorrow.