In T328899 and in T326179, Research and ML teams will be creating new event streams that 'score' wiki pages. In T328576, ML team is deprecating the mediawiki.revision-score stream in favor of model specific streams, e.g. mediawiki.revision_score_drafttopic.
In T308017: Design Schema for page state and page state with content (enriched) streams, we have remodeled the way we represent changes to mediawiki pages in events. We should use this new event schema model for representing page scores in events too. In the case of T328576 (e.g. mediawiki.revision_score_drafttopic), we don't want to remodel the old deprecated revision based streams, but we may want to use the same 'score' data model field for both the new streams, as well as these 'new' old ones.
We currently have a mediawiki/revision/score schema. It adds a scores map field like this:
scores: example_model: model_name: example_model model_version: 1.0.1 prediction: - yes - mostly probability: yes: 0.99 mostly: 0.9 hardly: 0.01
This was done as a map field so multiple ML model scores for the revision could be included in the same event.
Do we like this scores field? We have the opportunity to do whatever we want here, so let's take some time to brainstorm and bikeshed on what would be best, so we can use it in all the various ML use cases coming up.
Q: Would it be possible to use the same event field data model for things like image-suggestions?