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[J] Install PageTriage locally and investigate codebase
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As part of our team's process for understanding what our priorities should be for PageTriage technical work, please set up the PageTriage extension locally and spend some time investigating the codebase.

Make notes of the kinds of things that are confusing to you, as you browse the code for the first time, and opportunities that you see for improving the extension to make it easier for you to maintain.

Feel free to use this ticket to make notes, or not. This is primarily a placeholder ticket to acknowledge the investigations we're doing.

Event Timeline

I did a fresh install of mediawiki, page triage, ores, and echo today and got the same result I did as when I tried in my existing dev environment: the pagetriage queue stays empty.

the pagetriage queue stays empty.

Uninvited comment, going off a hunch:

  • Check that Special:NewPagesFeed is indeed empty
  • Create a new page
  • Open the "Page Curation toolbar" (tools menu)
  • Confirm that the page is marked as reviewed (green checkmark in page curation toolbar to the right)
  • Click the green checkmark, click the red "Mark as unreviewed"
  • Check Special:NewPagesFeed again — the page should now be in the queue

To avoid pages being automatically marked as reviewed, use a non-privileged account (or create pages logged out). Hope this helps :-)

@TheresNoTime thanks for having a look! @kostajh helped us out by looking over what we were doing and discovered that the extension currently doesn't work with sqlite, the default db backend for mediawiki docker.

So, I setup mysql for mediawiki docker based on his feedback and updated the mediawiki-docker recipe for mysql single db server