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Update General Settings in pretix
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The following is a list of tasks required to set up the registration process in Pretix.

  • [Karen] Submit the Business Arrangement Request in Coupa.
  • [Leila] Texts.
  • [Emily] Shop Design.
  • [Emily] Add questions.
  • [Leila] initial pass over manage text for registration questions.
  • [Leila & Karen] Go over the remaining sections of the event settings on Friday meeting.


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leila created this task.
leila updated Other Assignee, added: ELescak.

@leila I'm ready for you to do a pass over the registration questions on pretix.

@ELescak thanks a lot! You're fast. :) I did a pass over the registration questions. Here are a few changes I made and some questions for you and @KHernandez-WMF

What I did:

  • hid a couple of the questions for now. We can finalize this decision on Friday.
  • changed the sequence in some places to improve the flow
  • moved some of the text in the questions to the "help" using the "Advanced" feature under edits to make the questions shorter and more easily readable.

The questions that I need help with:

  • for gender, I added multiple choices. Where we say "other", can the user type free form text? This is important.
  • for the timezone question, I am hoping we can give people a drop down that they can choose from using what the system can offer. This may be too much to expect. Please review what I did there and see if you can improve it. If not, we should roll back to free form text.
  • I see that Attendee name is asked in the Questions (by default) but email is not asked. We should test to make sure the email is correctly captured.
  • Speaking of test: is there a way I can see the output of the questionnaire as I make changes? (similar to view in google forms)
  • anywhere that we offer "other", let's make sure they can type free form text or explore another option.

@KHernandez-WMF I did a pass over all the other sections in pretix. I made some changes, and some I left for now. I think it's helpful if you can do a pass before we connect on Friday (if you have time) and make as many changes as possible. Please take a note of the sections we have to review together. This way we can use the time together only for the parts that you need my input.

If we are going to open registration on Monday, we should start testing on Friday. Let's plan for that as well. If there ends up being not enough time, we will push the registration back by as much as needed but hopefully by not a lot. :)

@leila I just did some searching for good practices in asking about gender on forms and one of the suggestions I saw is that it is preferable (and I think more useful for our purposes) to ask for pronouns rather than gender. What do you think about that change?

It is currently unclear to me how to respond to the time zone question. We either need to clarify the question or move it back to free form text.

To see what the questions look like from a registrant perspective, you need to click on 'Go to shop' in the upper left corner. Note that in order to preview, I had to open registration.

Email address is captured.

In places where 'other' is an option, there is not a way to write in a response. I think we need to add a free response question following anything with an 'other' option for people to write in their response.

leila triaged this task as High priority.
leila updated the task description. (Show Details)