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ccnorm() doesn't convert « É » character
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


ccnorm('éÉàÀ') gives 'EÉAA', note the remaining 'É'.

Code: ccnorm('É')
Expected result: 'E'
Actual result: 'É'

What I don't understand is that Equivset does contain the « É → E » mapping, see in data/ (slow to load).

Event Timeline

"É" was added to Equivset five days ago, but no new version has been released. Once a new version of Equivset will be released, AF should start using it and then this will work as expected.

It needs a new release of equivset to make the new characters usable on wmf wikis (would request a new release when some of the open tasks gets fixed)

Please use the current version of equivset as reference for wmf wikis, it is located at (the code there would be used in the next week for deployment)