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Q3:rack/setup/install frav1003
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task will track the racking, setup, and OS installation of frav1003

Hostname / Racking / Installation Details

Hostnames: frav1003
Racking Proposal: eqiad frack
Networking Setup: one interface connected to each switch, so we can configure bonding, fr-tech-ops will handle DNS config
Partitioning/Raid:fr-tech-ops will handle RAID setup
OS Distro: fr-tech-ops will handle OS setup
Sub-team Technical Contact: Jeff Green / Dallas Wisehaupt

Per host setup checklist

Each host should have its own setup checklist copied and pasted into the list below.

  • - receive in system on procurement task T333351 & in coupa
  • - rack system with proposed racking plan (see above) & update netbox (include all system info plus location, state of planned)
  • - add mgmt dns (asset tag and hostname) and production dns entries in netbox, run cookbook sre.dns.netbox.
  • - network port setup via netbox, run homer from an active cumin host to commit
  • - bios/drac/serial setup/testing, see Lifecycle Steps & Automatic BIOS setup details
  • - firmware update (idrac, bios, network, raid controller)
  • - operations/puppet update - this should include updates to netboot.pp, and site.pp role(insetup) or cp systems use role(insetup::nofirm).
  • - OS installation & initital puppet run via sre.hosts.reimage cookbook.

Event Timeline

RobH added a parent task: Unknown Object (Task).
RobH moved this task from Backlog to Racking Tasks on the ops-eqiad board.
RobH mentioned this in Unknown Object (Task).
RobH unsubscribed.

frav1003 C1 U15. PORT 24 CABLEID 1870 , 1871

Configured bios and
Set password for device
mgmt ip address is

Jgreen updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jgreen moved this task from Backlog to Triage on the fundraising-tech-ops board.
Jgreen added a subscriber: Jclark-ctr.

Change 919239 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dwisehaupt; author: Dwisehaupt):

[operations/dns@master] Add frav1003 dns and rdns entries

Change 919239 merged by Jgreen:

[operations/dns@master] Add frav1003 dns and rdns entries

It looks like frav1003 is in the wrong vlan. I am seeing the following when trying to boot it for building:

May 15 17:34:06 frpm1002 dhcpd[3073993]: DHCPDISCOVER from b4:45:06:f4:a3:86 via network no free leases

That indicates that it is currently configured for the frack-fundraising-eqiad vlan.

It is assigned to the subnet and thus should be in the frack-administration-eqiad vlan.

    ipaddress: ''
    macaddress: 'B4:45:06:F4:A3:86'

Could we please get it updated to frack-administration-eqiad?


@Dwisehaupt it looks the server doesn't exist on the switch

papaul@fasw-c-eqiad# run show interfaces descriptions | match frav100*    
ge-0/0/17       up    up   frav1002:eth0
ge-1/0/17       up    up   frav1002:eth1

@Jclark-ctr you mentioned in you comment that this server is connected to ge-0/0/24 or there is already a server connected to that interface. Can you please double check. Thank

papaul@fasw-c-eqiad# run show interfaces ge-[0-1]/0/24 descriptions   
Interface       Admin Link Description
ge-0/0/24       up    up   frdata1001
ge-1/0/24       up    up   frdata1001

@Jclark-ctr Just wanted to follow up and see if this has been checked yet. Thanks!

@Dwisehaupt i verified this server they are connected to port 24 on both switches

@Jclark-ctr @Papaul I just reverified that the host has connectivity, but is still in the wrong VLAN.

Jul  7 21:27:44 frpm1002 dhcpd[4084378]: DHCPDISCOVER from b4:45:06:f4:a3:86 via network no free leases
Jul  7 21:27:48 frpm1002 dhcpd[4084378]: DHCPDISCOVER from b4:45:06:f4:a3:86 via network no free leases
Jul  7 21:27:57 frpm1002 dhcpd[4084378]: DHCPDISCOVER from b4:45:06:f4:a3:86 via network no free leases
Jul  7 21:28:13 frpm1002 dhcpd[4084378]: DHCPDISCOVER from b4:45:06:f4:a3:86 via network no free leases

It should be in the frack-administration-eqiad VLAN. Could we get the VLAN updated? Thanks!

@Jclark-ctr there is another server connected to port 24 on the switch

papaul@fasw-c-eqiad# run show interfaces ge-[0-1]/0/24 descriptions   
Interface       Admin Link Description
ge-0/0/24       up    up   frdata1001
ge-1/0/24       up    up   frdata1001

@Papaul frdata1001 has been decom

frav1003 is connected to port 24

@Jclark-ctr thnaks will setup the new server to use that port

@Dwisehaupt i update the switch configurations. You should be good now.

papaul@fasw-c-eqiad# show | compare
[edit interfaces interface-range vlan-administration]
     member "ge-[0-1]/0/11" { ... }
+    member "ge-[0-1]/0/24";
[edit interfaces interface-range vlan-fundraising]
-    member ge-0/0/24;
-    member ge-1/0/24;
[edit interfaces ge-0/0/24]
-   description frdata1001;
+   description frav1003:eth0;
[edit interfaces ge-1/0/24]
-   description frdata1001;
+   description frav1003:eth1;

@Papaul Sorry for the delay, I was out last week. This appears to have fixed it up and the host is starting to build. Thanks!

Dwisehaupt claimed this task.
Dwisehaupt moved this task from Backlog to Done on the fundraising-tech-ops board.

Host is installed and has a base config. Further work will be tracked in T342064.