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dlocal MC with default country and fiscal number not working for multiple currencies
Closed, ResolvedPublic


From file \CRM_Core_Payment_SmashPigRecurringProcessor::getPaymentParams We can see country and fiscal number (legal_identifier) are all getting from donor, which is a standard one, this is ok for real donor, but when we are doing the the internal MC test for multiple countries, this kind of mismatch will lead to error as
[error] => Response Error(400) {"code":5001,"message":"Missing parameter: country","param":"country"}
So from the api mapper, should map the default country and fiscal number to unblock local test

Event Timeline

Change 907502 had a related patch set uploaded (by Wfan; author: Wfan):

[wikimedia/fundraising/SmashPig@master] Add default currency and fiscal number for dlocal MC

Change 907502 merged by Wfan:

[wikimedia/fundraising/SmashPig@master] Add default currency and fiscal number for dlocal MC

Only in ZA and IN you can send the default document: AABBC1122
For the other cases you must continue capturing the real document. This logic has to remain in place.

Change 908636 had a related patch set uploaded (by Wfan; author: Wfan):

[wikimedia/fundraising/SmashPig@master] Remove fiscal number from recurring default

Change 908636 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/SmashPig@master] Remove fiscal number from recurring default

Change 908645 had a related patch set uploaded (by Wfan; author: Wfan):

[wikimedia/fundraising/SmashPig@master] Use NationalCurrencies to replace dlocal default country array

Change 908645 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/SmashPig@master] Use NationalCurrencies to replace dlocal default country array

XenoRyet set Final Story Points to 2.