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Error upon event import (Stripe)
Open, MediumPublic


Working to resolve an error MG encountered upon importing event donation data into Civi using a Stripe template.

From Jayme: :
Hi all! I am attempting to import a series of event donations into Civi. I'm using a template for Stripe gifts that @emcnaughton
created for MG events, but I keep receiving an odd error message. Full error file. Can someone assist with troubleshooting? I need to import these gifts this week. TY!

Event Timeline

@Eileenmcnaughton I found a small issue with a few gifts that were included on the most recent Stripe import. There are two entries under the payment details section. The first line is the correct gift amount and original gift date. The second line is a negative gift amount (matching the original gift). I checked Stripe and it does not appear that any of the donors requested a refund.

Affected CIDs:

greg triaged this task as Medium priority.May 23 2023, 7:59 PM

@Eileenmcnaughton I uploaded a spreadsheet containing these errors to the server: smb:// 2023 Stripe Import Errors.csv

@Jsimmonds I took another look at this & imported the handful of rows in the spreadsheet.

The underlying issue is that Stripe has historically provided inconsistent data in what we get. So, we can only go so far with templating / automation

In this case the fields had changed such that the fields with amount values were not mapped to the right fields & hence the wrong data was imported. As I mentioned Stripe fields kinda change all the time - so it is necessary to check the mapping despite starting from the import template & ensure these fields are mapped, along with email


image.png (852×1 px, 160 KB)

We also need to specify some defaults for Financial Type, Payment Type and Gateway. I am going to add a phab to have a better way to set these but the work around way is that we pick some fields that are always blank & fill in the 'default' column with the value we want (per below)

image.png (344×1 px, 72 KB)

I hit some more issues with the spreadsheet....

  1. the times in the date field had had leading zeros stripped, possibly during excel handling - I added a phab to cope with this better - but it might not have been an issue in the original file
  2. some of the fields were messed up because there were commas in the column names, resulting in the csv not lining up properly. This might also have happened during the excel wrangling but I suggest you avoid an commas in the questions in the fields you gather via stripe.

I note that the relevant contacts had invalid contributions. I have deleted the contribution from

The other 5 should be viewable here - -

One has not imported - I'm just checking that out now as it is a false duplicate

greg subscribed.

Moving to backlog, not really in-progress right now.