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Conversion and Error Handling Issues in VideoCutTool
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT

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Jun 7 2023, 6:21 PM
Referenced Files
F37156045: Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 18.49.15.png
Jul 30 2023, 4:49 PM
F37156018: Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 18.05.46.png
Jul 30 2023, 4:08 PM
F37156019: Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 18.05.25.png
Jul 30 2023, 4:08 PM
F37155979: Screenshot from 2023-07-30 19-43-43.png
Jul 30 2023, 2:19 PM
F37153677: Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 18.42.09.png
Jul 28 2023, 4:43 PM
F37153005: Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 07.23.38.png
Jul 28 2023, 5:25 AM


Fails to Convert to WebM and Generates Errors with MP4 Videos, Sharing user feedback of Benny Lin via telegram.

I just tried videocuttool. It doesn't convert to webm, afaik. It ended up in error when I tried to upload 2 mp4 videos. And I had to crop my video or do something with it, like mute it. (I can't upload it as is). Will resort back to ffmpeg after this.

It's more of the equivalent of CropTool that crops images from existing common files (including pdfs) than an uploader.

Event Timeline

hey @Gopavasanth, we have a resolved issue around the same task here T333403
its still not reflected in production. We will soon push it there

Please bear with us :( , and thanks for reporting the issue.

As far as "For uploading the videos as it is", is concerned, we are taking this matter, as there are multiple scenarios to be taken care of, like if the video is already present in WikiCommons, so we don't want to re-upload it to commons right?

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We will be looking into these matters.

Hey @Reputation22,

I'm getting almost the same issue. Can you confirm if you've already pushed the resolved issue?

Hey @Reputation22,

I'm getting almost the same issue. Can you confirm if you've already pushed the resolved issue?

Hey @BamLifa !!
Yes we've resolved these issues. These might take some time to reflect on the production ( ) bear with us :(
Meanwhile, you can try our beta version here
This is somewhat accurate with the current master, and so I'm pretty sure the above errors are resolved in this.

Note: In a day or two we'll sync up our beta to be updated with the master, and so you can try out the improved version of the tool :)

Hey @Reputation22,

Thank you for your answer. I've just tried the beta version, but still same issue. This is the screenshot when I preview.

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 07.23.38.png (264×742 px, 48 KB)

Hey @Reputation22,

Thank you for your answer. I've just tried the beta version, but still same issue. This is the screenshot when I preview.

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 07.23.38.png (264×742 px, 48 KB)

Can you make sure you are logged in (via OAuth) ? I looked at the logs on the beta server and it seems like there was a error that prevents processing while not logged in ? (@Reputation22 we should be having a notification that prevents this right ?)


I'm connected every time I work with it.

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 18.42.09.png (456×1 px, 73 KB)

hey @BamLifa sorry for the trouble, but can you give us a detailed steps of reproduction of the error you are encountering

hey @BamLifa sorry for the trouble, but can you give us a detailed steps of reproduction of the error you are encountering

  • load the video
  • hit the cut button (and do the necessary)
  • hit the preview button
  • there you are with that error

hey @BamLifa sorry for the trouble, but can you give us a detailed steps of reproduction of the error you are encountering

  • load the video
  • hit the cut button (and do the necessary)
  • hit the preview button
  • there you are with that error

I haven't been able to reproduce this yet, can you provide what the video you are editing is ?

Also, if it is possible can you open Devtools and provide a screenshot of the payload of the /process HTTP request that happens immediately after you click the "Preview" button ? (Screenshot of what I see attached)

Screenshot from 2023-07-30 19-43-43.png (263×982 px, 43 KB)

AFAIK (based on the logs), this looks like a bug somewhere in the user registration code that @Reputation22 (and I) recently worked on and not with mp4 code which is what this task originally was about.


There's no payload for the request. But from the response tab, I can see the status code 413.

Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 18.05.25.png (548×2 px, 291 KB)

Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 18.05.46.png (548×2 px, 225 KB)


There's no payload for the request. But from the response tab, I can see the status code 413.

Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 18.05.25.png (548×2 px, 291 KB)

Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 18.05.46.png (548×2 px, 225 KB)

Can you show the request (that's what 'payload' corresponds to in Firefox) tab ?

It says that there's no payload.

Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 18.49.15.png (548×2 px, 72 KB)

can you give us more details on how are you producing this error, like sharing us the video file, and the manipulations u tried on it
maybe upload the video for the same?

also can you try this on other browsers, or on icongnito mode as well?, maybe its a browser-thing


There's no payload for the request. But from the response tab, I can see the status code 413.

Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 18.05.25.png (548×2 px, 291 KB)

Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 18.05.46.png (548×2 px, 225 KB)

Can you show the request (that's what 'payload' corresponds to in Firefox) tab ?

@BamLifa Are you sure you are using the server, the URL here says here :(