Author: matt
(Using 1.4b5):
When I try to upload a file, I get the following error. The pg table definition
is probably outdated:
Warning: pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR: column "log_params" of relation
"logging" does not exist . in /home/www/zenko/includes/DatabasePostgreSQL.php on
line 99
A database error has occurred Query: INSERT INTO "logging"
VALUES ('upload','upload','2005-01-23
19:43:43','4','6','Bubblebobble.png','BubBob','') Function: LogPage::saveContent
Error: 1 ERROR: column "log_params" of relation "logging" does not exist
- DatabasePostgreSQL.php line 419 calls wfdebugdiebacktrace()
- Database.php line 297 calls databasepostgresql::reportqueryerror()
- Database.php line 873 calls databasepostgresql::query()
- DatabasePostgreSQL.php line 223 calls database::insert()
- LogPage.php line 64 calls databasepostgresql::insert()
- LogPage.php line 189 calls logpage::savecontent()
- Image.php line 790 calls logpage::addentry()
- SpecialUpload.php line 270 calls wfrecordupload()
- SpecialUpload.php line 112 calls uploadform::processupload()
- SpecialUpload.php line 19 calls uploadform::execute()
- SpecialPage.php line 309 calls wfspecialupload()
- SpecialPage.php line 220 calls specialpage::execute()
- index.php line 94 calls specialpage::executepath()
Version: 1.4.x
Severity: major
OS: Linux
Platform: PC