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Investigate the "translate this page" feature
Open, Needs TriagePublic

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Jun 30 2023, 7:46 AM
Referenced Files
F37123793: image.png
Jun 30 2023, 8:05 AM
F37123791: image.png
Jun 30 2023, 8:05 AM
F37123778: image.png
Jun 30 2023, 7:46 AM


We've been made aware of a feature that allows a user to see when the page they're reading is lacking translations, and enter the translation workflow through the ULS language selector menu:

image.png (540×720 px, 195 KB)

image.png (233×442 px, 20 KB)

image.png (311×1 px, 43 KB)

This is important to our research project because it reverses the coupling between reading context and the source and target languages. The normal CX workflow defaults to translating into the reading language, and this feature translates out of the reading language.

There are some questions we would like to answer:

  • Are there any special configurations or preferences needed to make this feature appear, such as enabling "section translation"? Is it available for both mobile and desktop? See T298032: Surface missing languages in current mobile language selector to access Section Translation and T290972: Add "relevant missing languages" to the current language selector.
    • On desktop: Must be a logged-in user with Content Translation enabled, and the wiki must be configured with CX (so all Wikipedias). No other settings are required. The banner is hidden if the article is not missing in your languages, so an empty additional language list will result in not seeing a banner.
    • On mobile: It depends on the target languge having section translation enabled, which is not yet the default.
  • Is there a filter on missing translation languages, eg. to the user's ULS recent language selections, or their previous translation languages? Was the Babel data source implemented as planned? Does it read from metawiki for users with a global user page?
    • The filter is mw.uls.getFrequentLanguageList.
    • It doesn't look like the Babel source has been implemented.
  • What does it look like when a user enters the workflow? How is the list of target languages presented and how is one language selected?
    • See new screenshots above.
  • When in the workflow is an event logged? How can we read a history of these events?