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Team-Interface: Develop a set of principles for how we work as a team
Open, MediumPublic


Develop and align on a set of shared values or principles that will share with others "How we work as a team" or what guides us in our work and how we do it.


to be shared both in and on

Note: potentially a good task for the upcoming offsite in ~ November.

Event Timeline

leila triaged this task as High priority.Jul 10 2023, 7:05 PM
leila created this task.
leila set Due Date to Nov 30 2023, 12:00 AM.
leila moved this task from Backlog to Staged on the Research board.
leila lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
leila added a subscriber: Miriam.
leila moved this task from Backlog to Staged on the Research board.

@GEscalante-WMF thank you for picking this one up. I updated the task description to share some of the existing resources I encourage you to look into. Let me know if you want to propose a session on Tuesday or Wednesday (next week) during the Research offsite to unpack some of it with the team while the majority of us are in one place.

This keeps coming up in different places (we're again discussing it as part of the knowledge integrity roadmap), however, we have A LOT on our plate right now and I don't see how we can pick this up. I'm going to move it to freezer and let's bring it back to the Research board when we can work on it.