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Display latest discussions by category ("Wartungsstube")
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This is a wish from the Reparatursommer board.

The user wishes for an overview of all latest discussions in a specific category.

There are generated pages that display information about categories (containing latest discussions). The tool is currently not running anymore, therefore the information is outdated.

There is a sucsessor tool called petscan. Lets check if that tool is suited to solve the described use case.

Event Timeline

I tried out the petscan tool and there actually is a search feature where you can look for discussion pages. You can also set a category to look for - so everything looks good.

Screenshot from 2023-07-18 18-16-30.png (465×1 px, 61 KB)

Screenshot from 2023-07-18 18-16-11.png (375×1 px, 78 KB)

But the issue is, that the categories are assigned to the article page itself and not to the discussion page. But the tool is looking for discussion pages that have the wanted category - which they don't have.

Screenshot from 2023-07-18 18-18-21.png (704×1 px, 89 KB)

So I guess one possibilty would be to adapt the tool to look for categories in the related article page when you are searching for discussion pages.

Update: We found a way to get talk pages of articles in a specific category in petscan. The secret was a small checkbox called "Change to talk page".

Screenshot from 2023-07-19 14-35-11.png (83×1 px, 17 KB)


Next step would be to display the latest discussions from those talk pages. A possible way to do that could be "Änderung an verlinkten Seiten". We would only need to display the list from petscan at a wikipage to access this feature.

Turns out there was a misunderstanding with what the user wanted. They did not want to display the contents of the discussions but they wanted the Wartungsstube pages to contain the new lists. We dug deeper into how the current template and bot combinations are working and asked the maintainer of the bot to update from catscan2 to petscan. They agreed to adapt the bot. So I am moving this to watching. Can move it done once the bot is updated.

doctaxon added a project: TaxonBot.
doctaxon moved this task from Backlog to TaxonBota on the TaxonBot board.

The database basics for this job by TaxonBota are already well developed. The job will be done with the daily bot run.

step 2: coding talk pages call to database (wkat1)

(limit -30 days)