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Exception in PhutilMediaWikiAuthAdapter.php due to array offset access with curly braces
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set up local Phabricator instance with WMF customizations on a local Debian 11 Bullseye machine with PHP 2:7.4+76 (in contrast to our current Debian 10 Phabricator production instance with an older PHP version)
  2. Go to http://phabricator.lan/auth/config/new
  3. Select MediaWiki - Configure MediaWiki OAuth. to go to http://phabricator.lan/auth/config/edit?provider=PhabricatorMediaWikiAuthProvider

Expected outcome:
Page "Add Auth Provider: MediaWiki" is rendered correctly.

Actual outcome:
Unhandled Exception: Error while loading file "/var/www/html/wmfphab202305/deployment/libext/misc/src/oauth/PhutilMediaWikiAuthAdapter.php": Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated due to


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PHP array access: Replace curly braces with square bracketsrepos/phabricator/extensions!12aklapperT342007wmf/stable
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