Page MenuHomePhabricator iso-8859-8-i text
Open, LowPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

Open otrs tickets in hebrew which need a URL-decode, for example:;TicketID=12880767;ArticleID=15674478

What happens?:
You get unreadable text.

What should have happened instead?:
Get URL-decoded text.

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
There are quite a few such tickets, mainly from official institutions, and this bug causes great difficulty and limitations that sometimes impair our ability to handle these requests efficiently.

Event Timeline

Hyphen updated the task description. (Show Details)
Hyphen added a subscriber: Amire80.
Hyphen removed Geagea as the assignee of this task.Aug 2 2023, 2:52 PM
Hyphen added a subscriber: Geagea.

What do you mean?

The completely broken email on email # 6 ?

That email claims to be in iso-8859-8-i, and after extracting it, it does show Hebrew if treated as iso-8859-8-i.

But Znuny is showing it as if it was iso-8859-1

I suspect Znuny doesn't support that encoding.

LSobanski moved this task from Incoming to Backlog on the collaboration-services board.

Yes, that's the one I was talking about.
Handling these requests is very difficult, almost impossible.

I really hope you can help with this problem in the short term.

Hyphen renamed this task from URL-decode text to iso-8859-8-i text.Aug 7 2023, 5:14 PM

You should probably file it at
I see no mention of a problem of znuny (or otrs) with iso-8859-8 / iso-8859-8-i mails.

The old otrs bug 13367 seems related but probably not the same issue.
Here the email seemed to be correct, but was not parsed correctly by znuny.