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Define email content and subject line
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When the user clicks "Submit" the report is being sent out via email to a private email address.

We need to define the subject line and content of the email.

Event Timeline

@Madalina this is what I have defined in the work-in-progress patch for T345256: Send email based on form submission:

image.png (562×1 px, 89 KB)

What do you think?

Do we want to vary the subject line to include e.g. the reported username or a timestamp, for the use-case that a user files multiple reports?

Looks good!

For the subject line, I assume we want to use the username of the reporter, so something like "New Incident Report from [reporter username]"? "Admin" is confusing me a bit.

@JSengupta-WMF any thoughts on this one?

Looks good!

For the subject line, I assume we want to use the username of the reporter, so something like "New Incident Report from [reporter username]"? "Admin" is confusing me a bit.

@JSengupta-WMF any thoughts on this one?

Yeah, in this case, "Admin" is the username I was testing with on my local wiki. Maybe a template like New incident report from User:{username} would be more clear.

Agree with Madalina. Looks good otherwise!

kostajh claimed this task.

The patch has: {{SITENAME}}: New incident report from "$1"