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Grant access to to user brouberol
Closed, InvalidPublic


As part of my onboarding task list, I have been asked to request access to



Event Timeline

Reedy subscribed.

I believe all SRE's should get these emails via the either the root@ or an ops alias, rather than being specifically added...? Or did that change at some point?

Ah! I couldn't tell you if things have changed recently, given that I joined on Monday. However, I added myself to the root@ alias, so we might be good!

I believe all SRE's should get these emails via the either the root@ or an ops alias, rather than being specifically added...? Or did that change at some point?

I see a lot of SRE explicitly added to security@ under Not sure if that's just historical or if it's a requirement.

sbassett claimed this task.
sbassett triaged this task as Low priority.
sbassett moved this task from Incoming to Our Part Is Done on the Security-Team board.
sbassett added a project: SecTeam-Processed.

Assuming root@ receives security@ email and there's no need to explicitly add. Please re-open if this appears to be inaccurate.

sbassett changed the task status from Resolved to Invalid.Sep 11 2023, 4:12 PM