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Deploy StatsD exporter for Kubernetes
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task is a placeholder to wrap deploying prometheus-statsd-exporter to Kubernetes as a sidecar to every MW instance/server. Task parameters are best left to serviceops to define as the resident experts on all things k8s.

Event Timeline

lmata removed herron as the assignee of this task.Nov 24 2023, 5:15 PM
lmata added subscribers: Kappakayala, herron.

removing Keith because he is out for a few weeks, and Service Ops is helping us with this task. :-)

cc/ @Kappakayala for awareness

Joe claimed this task.
Joe subscribed.

Apologies, I didn't realize there was this additional task re: statsd on k8s, and I've attached the patches to T343025