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WikEd sometimes shows 2 summary lines
Closed, DeclinedPublic


We want to investigate this issue reported via

To do:

  • Try to reproduce the issue on German Wikipedia.
  • Check possible user scripts the user is using.
  • Install locally and try to reproduce there.
  • Check where in the script the input fields are align and where the positioning could fail

Event Timeline

thiemowmde moved this task from Doing to Backlog on the WMDE-TechWish-Maintenance-2023 board.
WMDE-Fisch moved this task from Backlog to Doing on the WMDE-TechWish-Maintenance-2023 board.

I'll have another look into this. Maybe I can reproduce it.

I also failed to reproduce the issue. But I'll sum up what I found out so far:

  • wikiEd adds “another” summary line hidden underneath the actual summary line, to offer a convenient method to choose from a preset of summaries. That’s Especially helpful for recurring tasks.
  • That HTML select field is behind the text field for the summary, but can be expanded using the arrow down button on the right. Whatever is selected then in the list of items is automatically copied into the text input.
  • I could not reproduce the issue, but it seems that sometimes the correct placement of these select input box fails and the user now sees “two” summary lines. There’s an older visualization of this: File:Duplicate summary line.jpg
  • Since it occurs randomly, it’s probably a race condition somewhere, so that when the page is not fully rendered, the calculation on how to position the select field fails.

Looking at the code, there's only one thing that seemed to me as a possible point of failure and that's when the width for the summary fields is set. ( See`wikEd.ResizeComboInput()` ). If something's wrong there, because the parts of the interface are not loaded yet, that are needed for the right calculation the result could look like

DoubleSummary.png (77×823 px, 2 KB)

That's a different issue as in the screenshot above though.

WMDE-Fisch moved this task from Review to Done on the WMDE-TechWish-Maintenance-2023 board.

Without a good way to debug the issue and the limited possibilities to avoid an unclear race condition, I'll decline the issue. Furthermore - as I understand it - it's not a blocking issue in the editing process. The page can still be saved with a summary.