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Automate versioning increment (major, minor, or patch version)
Open, Needs TriagePublicSpike


Current Situation:
Our versioning scheme follows a very clear pattern. However, there are surely with exceptions here and there that we will have to deal with. We want to investigate how this may be useful and/or possible.

Using an API similar to Node Version Manager (nvm) (make version major|minor|patch|prerelease), adopt a tool or implement a way to do the same with our releases. The resulting CLI tool will allow us to update from the current current version to the next major, minor, or patch version number, changing any values in related files necessary as well as creating a git tag and related commit.

We don't need to think ourselves which "number" comes next but rather there is an automation in place that will already bring up whether the next release will be a new major, minor or patch version.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • We know which alternatives, if any, we can use to achieve the goal
  • We have an estimate of the implementation effort of each the alternatives
  • Engineering team together with Product discuss and comes to the decision: which way do we want to go further? do we prefer to leave it manual as it currently is or do we want to go for one of the automation alternatives and if so, which one?

[optional] Notes:

[optional] Open Questions:

Event Timeline

What do we need beyond npm version major|minor|patch? What files, specifically, need updating?

Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Spike". · View Herald TranscriptThu, Jul 4, 7:47 AM
darthmon_wmde renamed this task from Create versioning script to increment major, minor, or patch version to Automate versioning increment (major, minor, or patch version).Thu, Jul 4, 12:37 PM
darthmon_wmde updated the task description. (Show Details)