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Is Varnish cache working for titles with "." in the name?
Open, In Progress, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


What happens?:

I would like to report an issue related to the Vector-2022 design in Wikimedia. When the title of a page contains a dot, such as ".net," it causes the menu of titles to display the menu icon twice. Additionally, it's important to note that in this scenario, the right menu icon functions as the actual button, while the left icon doesn't respond when clicked.

Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
This issue is specific to certain conditions:

*User Mode: Chrome Guest Mode
*User Status: Anonymous
*Language: English
This problem occurs exclusively in the English version of Wikimedia. In the Hebrew version (, it only occurs in the ".NET framework" page but not in ".NET" or ".example" pages. This behavior is in contrast to how it functions in the English version, that contains all these examples.

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
*Browser: Chrome Version 118.0.5993.90
*Operating System: Windows 10

ללא שם.png (252×378 px, 22 KB)

גרסה 118.0.5993.90.png (642×536 px, 44 KB)

Event Timeline

I can replicate this but it looks like a gadget might be doing this as I can't replicate this for anonymous users in safe mode:

@Izno any ideas if there are any default on gadgets that might be causing this to happen?

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Vector-2022: Menu Icon Appears Twice to Vector-2022: Menu Icon Appears Twice when unknown gadget enabled.Oct 27 2023, 5:25 PM

There are only 3 gadgets on by default in the en wiki main space without other restrictions: defaultsummaries, switcher, and referenceTooltips. I doubt any of those have changed recently much less to cause an issue like this one. And none of those have the same title as the ones on (which could use some adjustments to when their default gadgets are loading).

This also doesn't happen for me logged out on Firefox for Android mobile (what I'm looking at right now).

So, pretty sure this isn't a local wiki issue. Does the user have any extensions running for Chrome? I'm somewhat intrigued this happens in one case on he wiki and not the others -- potentially implicates the BIDI algorithm. Also intriguing it's just this button.

I can replicate the issue in in an incognito window.

I'll see if I can debug it further.

Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 11.51.28 AM.png (388×1 px, 110 KB)

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Vector-2022: Menu Icon Appears Twice when unknown gadget enabled to Is Varnish cache working for titles with "." in the name?.Oct 27 2023, 7:10 PM

When outside safe mode this mysterious HTML appears inside the header element. What's weird is that is VERY old HTML (e.g. over 2 months). I cleared the cache via action=purge and the issue fixed itself. is now fixed.

This makes me wonder if Varnish is not working on titles with "." in the name. I'm not sure what the appropriate tag is on Phabricator for varnish issues?

<label id="vector-toc-collapsed-button" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--fake-button--enabled cdx-button--weight-quiet vector-button-flush-left cdx-button--icon-only" for="vector-toc-collapsed-checkbox" role="button" aria-controls="vector-toc" tabindex="0" title="Table of Contents">
						<span class="vector-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-listBullet"></span>
						<span>Toggle the table of contents</span>

Issue is still occuring on
Here is the HTML at time of writing:

We had another report of the same bug on T349988. Purging the page fixed it. But that title did not have a "." in the title (

My mistake the HTML change was only in T340571 (1.42.0-wmf.2) so not as old as I expected.