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Investigation: Filter participant list based on date of contribution
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As an organizer, I would like to filter my list of people based on the date of their contribution. (ie show me the people in between two dates or who have edited in the past x months).

Background: For the event invitation project, we are interested in giving organizers (who have the organizer right) the option to use a tool to event editors to their events. Ideally, these editors should be productive (i.e., they have made a certain number of unreverted edits) and interested in the topics/articles of the event (i.e., they have made significant contributions to the articles in the event). This ticket is meant to investigate if we can generate a list of potential editors to invite to an event.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Read findings from T346961 as a first step
  • If an organizer have a list of usernames for people who edited an article,
    • They should be able to filtered to only show people who have contributed between [X] days and [Y] days
  • Share the following information:
    • Summary of findings in response to the questions above, including:
      • Can we do this?
      • How would we do this?
    • Summary of any major technical issues or concerns to consider
    • Summary of any dependencies or blockers to do this work
  • Investigate and provide a working prototype for generating this list of editors

Timebox: 5 days