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Allow admins to create multiple blocks for the same target
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Currently we are limited to one block per target with the exception of autoblocks on IPs (2 blocks for IPs if one is an autoblock). We want to allow Admins to set multiple blocks on the same target using different parameters.

User Story
As an Admin of the wikis, I want to be able to create more than one block for one target.

Benefits (why should this be implemented?):
Admins will be able to overlap blocks with different restrictions and expiration dates

Details for QA:

  • Admins should be able to create multiple blocks on the same target via Special:Block
  • There should be an upper limit of 20 blocks per target

Related Conversations:

Event Timeline

Suggestion: "As an admin of the wikis, I want to be able to create new sitewide or partial blocks and state the reason for the block based on observed behaviour, even if a block for the target already exists."

dmaza renamed this task from Create new Multiblock to Allow admins to create multiple blocks for the same target.Nov 8 2023, 6:47 PM
dmaza updated the task description. (Show Details)
dmaza updated the task description. (Show Details)

Here is an interactive Figma prototype of the macro user flow I propose for when an Admin wants to investigate the active/past blocks on a target. This prototype is a first draft.

Removing this from the CommTech board as multiple tickets describe this functionality in more granularity