Note: with apihighlimit it's 500, otherwise 50.
Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
drvlimit Limit how many revisions will be returned. Type: integer or max The value must be between 1 and 5,000.
- Without content:*&drvlimit=5000&titles=User:AJ/move1&drvprop=ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user
- With content:*&drvlimit=5000&titles=User:AJ/move1&drvprop=ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user|content
What happens?:
"warnings": { "deletedrevisions": { "*": "The value \"5000\" for parameter \"drvlimit\" must be between 1 and 500." }
What should have happened instead?:
The numbers should have matched.