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[QA task] Quitting/removing mentors workflows testing
Open, Needs TriagePublic



  • Testing for removing and re-assigning mentees was done on cswiki beta (and confirmed on testwiki wmf.5)
  • The wait period (for possible status/re-assignment changes) was 2-3 days

A mentor

  • can quit Mentorship
  • can be removed from Mentorship on Special:ManageMentors

What was checked:

  • if mentors have access to MentorDashboard
  • if mentees see quit/removed mentors as their mentors on Homepage

✅ - denotes correct behavior
❌ - denotes incorrect behavior

Action on mentorMentor access to Special:MentorDashboardAPI call - assigned menteesMentees see the quit/removed mentor on Homepage?
Mentor quits✅ permission error❌ mentees are listed as assigned, e.g. API call for ET13 quit mentor❌ yes, mentees are still assigned (confirmed by a mentee seeing quit mentor on Homepage
Mentor is removed✅ permission error❌ mentees are listed as assigned, e.g. API call for ET31 removed mentor❌ yes, mentees are still assigned (confirmed by a mentee seeing removed mentor on Homepage)