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Hotkey tooltips say Alt+Shift+*, when in reality you only need to press Alt-*
Closed, DeclinedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Visit an article
  • Click edit
  • Type a change into the text box
  • Hover over the save button

What happens?:

  • It says "Alt+Shift+S"

What should have happened instead?:

  • It should say "Alt+S"

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

  • True for any hotkey of this type: watchlist link, my contributions link, random page link, etc
  • Does this vary across browsers or OS's? Perhaps one browser or OS out of the many requires the "shift" key to work?
  • Suggested fix would be to change the tooltips
  • Appears to affect all skins. So the code that generates the hotkey tooltips is probably not in a skin repo. It is probably in core somewhere.
  • Windows 10, Chrome

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Does this vary across browsers or OS's? Perhaps one browser or OS out of the many requires the "shift" key to work?

Yes, it varies by both unfortunately. (Alt+Shift+* is the combination I’m familiar with on Firefox+Linux, for instance.) There’s a convoluted table on MDN and a similar table on Meta.

Tagging VE as I think the related code is somewhere in there (lib/ve/src/ui/ve.ui.TriggerRegistry.js?), though I can’t fully make sense of it.

matmarex subscribed.

Chrome supports both Alt+* and Alt+Shift+* for native accesskeys, but some of the Alt shortcuts conflict with the browser's own keyboard shortcuts, so MediaWiki displays Alt+Shift in the tooltips. Looking at and comparing it to MediaWiki's shortcuts, for example Alt+F opens the browser menu, so you'll have to use Alt+Shift+F in MediaWiki to focus the search bar. (On the other hand, that page also lists several Alt+Shift and Shift+Alt shortcuts… browser developers these days, eh.)

Other Chrome-ish browsers have their own keyboard shortcuts and could have different conflicts.

By the way this is all in MediaWiki, and not VE:

VE actually has its own system for keyboard shortcuts (not using native accesskey), so when its save button says Alt+Shift+S, it really means it, and Alt+S will not work. I don't remember why it is that way.

If Alt+* sometimes works, and Alt+Shift+* always works, then defaulting to the latter makes sense. Sounds reasonable to wontfix this. Thanks for the explanation of accesskeys, the links to browser hotkey combinations, and the link to the mediawiki.util code.