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make list of 'Languages that support variant conversion' dynamic
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The help text for param converttitles of ApiQuery contains a static list of 'Languages that support variant conversion'. Please make it dynamic, to avoid a outdated list (iu and shi are missing at the moment). Thanks.

Version: 1.20.x
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 22 2014, 12:09 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz33223.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

This is somewhat of a PITA to do, and will essentially require loading of all message/language files and checking

For the moment, list of variants updated in r107665

We actually have another issue related to the way variants are done.

In most of our variants we have really weird and counter-intuitive definitions.

For example, zh defines the list of variants, and zh falls back to zh-hans. zh-tw falls back to zh-hans, zh-hant. zh-cn falls back to zh-hans. And so on.

In other words. For zh hasVariants returns true. But for zh-hans, zh-hant, zh-tw, zh-cn, etc... they all return false even though they are part of the list of variants. (Is actually a separate bug in the way of something I was trying to improve)

(In reply to comment #1)

This is somewhat of a PITA to do, and will essentially require loading of all
message/language files and checking
For the moment, list of variants updated in r107665

You have to load the Language*.php files, not the Messages*.php, that is right and looks not possible at that place.

Having a list in the scope of the languages object (maybe Language.php or LanguageConverter.php) can be a improvment, because than a developer will see it better, while adding a new variant, than that static list in the api, which no developer looks at, when he adds the variants to a language.