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Uncaught ERROR: One or more securedFields has just loaded new content. This should never happen (but it did, 10 times)
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Another one in client-side errors that I noticed today. Looks like it's happened a handful of times. Again, this might be in the Adyen JS and not actually our error.

Nov 28 19:17:17 payments1006 adyen_gateway: 197808022:197808022.1
Client side error:
Array (

[message] => Uncaught ERROR: One or more securedFields has just loaded new content. This should never happen. securedFields have been removed. iframe load count=4. Expected count:3
[file] =>
[line] => 1
[col] => 304434
[userAgent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
[stack] => ERROR: One or more securedFields has just loaded new content. This should never happen. securedFields have been removed. iframe load count=4. Expected count:3
    at r.onIframeLoadedCallback (
    at r.value (
[donationData] => Array
        [amount] => 1040.00
        [appeal] => JimmyQuote
        [email] => 
        [country] => US
        [payment_method] => cc
        [payment_submethod] => 
        [order_id] => 197808022.1
        [referrer] =>
        [utm_source] =>
        [utm_medium] => sitenotice
        [utm_campaign] => C2324_en6C_dsk_FR_1128
        [utm_key] => otherAmt_1~changedAmt_1~ptf_1~vw_1912~vh_932~time_47
        [language] => en
        [action] => logPaymentsFormError
        [gateway] => adyen
        [recurring] => 
        [user_ip] => ***
        [server_ip] =>
        [contribution_tracking_id] => 197808022
        [currency] => USD


Event Timeline

I scanned across our code to see if this is something we added, and I don't think it is. However, it turns out that there are lots of things that "should never happen" across our code and libraries :)

image.png (932×1 px, 252 KB)

Confirmed that the error text is about a third of the way down the big blob of JS loaded from

I think this is an Adyen-side bug. We just catch and log it because we're catching all JS errors on the page. We could try updating to a newer checkout JS version and see if it recurs.