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Automatic signature obsolete tag warning/patcher
Closed, DuplicatePublicFeature


Feature summary (what you would like to be able to do and where):
When entering a signature with obsolete tags, patch it automatically (if possible) or warn the user that it's not gonna fly.

Use case(s):
User enters signature with obsolete tags. onblur() they are instantly warned and have an opportunity to fix it, if the signature couldn't be fixed automatically.

Less annoying than only being told after pressing save.

Enwiki currently has a proposal to disallow obsolete tags in signatures:

I have no idea if/when I would set up an environment to file a patch myself (T111565#9362369), but I wrote this little snippet to aid users who try to enter obsolete tags. It should be adjusted to use OOUI properly (I took the styling from Special:CreateAccount when entering an invalid username) and i18n stuff should be done.

I already knew when writing it that it couldn't be implemented as a gadget as those don't load on Special:Preferences. It's quite likely I've once again wasted my time. C'est la vie and all that.

//Sigcheck is public domain, irrevocably released as WTFPL Version 2[] by its author, Alexis Jazz.
$('#mw-input-wpnickname input')[0].addEventListener('focus', function() {
	//mw.loader.load('sigcheck') or something, the rest of the code below can be loaded by this
var AJsigC = {};
AJsigC.msg = {bad:'You entered an obsolete tag in your signature. (<code>&lt;center&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;font&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;strike&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;tt&gt;</code>) Please remove it.',fixed:'You entered an obsolete tag in your signature. It has been automatically fixed for you.'};
mw.loader.addStyleTag('.AJsigC_err,.AJsigC_warn{color: #000000;box-sizing: border-box;margin-bottom: 16px;border: 1px solid;padding: 12px 24px;word-wrap: break-word;overflow-wrap: break-word;overflow: hidden;}.AJsigC_err{background-color: #fee7e6;border-color: #b32424:} .AJsigC_warn{background-color: #fef6e7;border-color: #ac6600;}');
AJsigC.heck = function(int) {
	if ( $('#mw-input-wpfancysig input')[0].checked ) {
		if ( $('#mw-input-wpnickname input')[0].value.match(/<(center|font|strike|tt)[^>]*>/) ) {
			AJsigC.fixed = $('#mw-input-wpnickname input')[0].value
			.replace(/<center>(([^<]|<(?!\/center))*)<\/center>/g,'<div style="text-align: center;">$1<\/div>') //could happen within an inline block or something?
			.replace(/<center style="([^"]*)">(([^<]|<(?!\/center))*)<\/center>/g,'<div style="text-align: center;$1">$2<\/div>')
			.replace(/<font([^>]*)color="([^ ])*"([^>]*)>(([^<]|<(?!\/font))*)<\/font>/g,'<font$1yBADFONTycolor:$2;yBADFONTy$3>$4</font>')
			.replace(/<font([^>]*)face="([^ ])*"([^>]*)>(([^<]|<(?!\/font))*)<\/font>/g,'<font$1yBADFONTyfont-family:$2;yBADFONTy$3>$4</font>')
			.replace(/<font[ ]?(yBADFONTy(([^y]|y(?!BADFONTy))*yBADFONTy[ ]?)*)>(([^<]|<(?!\/font))*)<\/font>/g,'<span style="$1">$4</span>')
			AJsigC.warn = document.createElement('div');
			if ( ! AJsigC.fixed.match(/<(center|font|strike|tt)[^>]*>/) && AJsigC.fixed.length < 256 ) {
				$('#mw-input-wpnickname input')[0].value = AJsigC.fixed;
				AJsigC.warn.innerHTML = AJsigC.msg.fixed;
				$('#mw-input-wpnickname input')[0].parentElement.append(AJsigC.warn);
			} else {
				AJsigC.warn.innerHTML = AJsigC.msg.bad;
				$('#mw-input-wpnickname input')[0].parentElement.append(AJsigC.warn);
if ( $('#mw-input-wpnickname input:not(.AJsigC)') ) {
	$('#mw-input-wpnickname input').addClass('AJsigC');
	$('#mw-input-wpnickname input')[0].addEventListener('blur', AJsigC.heck);
	$('#mw-input-wpfancysig input')[0].addEventListener('change', AJsigC.heck);