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Release WMDE.15 - (MediaWiki 1.39.6)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


(another version of the checklist in T334778)

  • Do any other issues need to be specifically included in this release? if so, add them as children of this task
  • Review open backports for Wikimedia controlled Gerrit extensions included in the release, merging where appropriate link (check that all extensions are included in the search and the correct REL_x version is used)
    • It could be that trivial fixes are queued up ready in release branches. These can be merged ahead of a release so they are included in the release.
    • To streamline the process in the future we may choose to drop this step
  • Create a PR with the following changes:
    • changes to env files
    • update commit hashes if needed
    • add release notes
  • Test Release Candidate
    • CI should be green
    • run automated tests locally
    • deploy artifacts to test system and give the PM a heads up
  • Prepare communication doc (folder) NOTE: add the changes we have made to the QuickStatements OAuth. Now it is fixed on the example directory: using a public url instead of a local one. There has been a change in the name of that variable as well.
    • Ping ComCom and TechWriter to go over the comm doc
    • agree with ComCom on a timing to publish the release
  • Publish release candidates (howto):
    • dockerhub
    • Update and merge PR for docker-compose example in release-pipeline repository
    • Tags
    • Dxocs
      • docker-compose example references
    • Record build meta data
  • Communication is sent

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Docker Images pushed
  • Tarballs released

[optional] Notes:

[optional] Open Questions:

  • none atm


Due Date
Jan 20 2024, 11:00 PM
Other Assignee

Event Timeline

roti_WMDE set Due Date to Jan 20 2024, 11:00 PM.Jan 9 2024, 1:59 PM
roti_WMDE changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Jan 23 2024, 12:49 PM
roti_WMDE assigned this task to adee_wmde.
roti_WMDE updated Other Assignee, added: roti_WMDE.
roti_WMDE moved this task from Doing to Done on the Wikibase Suite Team (Sprint-∞) board.