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[bulids-builder,dotnet] The Procfile buildpack is not being injected in the dotnet group
Closed, ResolvedPublic


That forces users to pass the full command instead of using procfile entries.


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
builds-builder: bump to 0.0.88-20240111172456-b0def00arepos/cloud/toolforge/toolforge-deploy!174project_1317_bot_df3177307bed93c3f34e421e26c86e38bump_builds-buildermain
dotnet: add procfile buildpackrepos/cloud/toolforge/builds-builder!28dcaroadd_procfile_to_dotnetmain
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

dcaro changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Jan 11 2024, 9:51 AM
dcaro created this task.
dcaro moved this task from Next Up to In Progress on the Toolforge (Toolforge iteration 03) board.

project_1317_bot_df3177307bed93c3f34e421e26c86e38 opened

builds-builder: bump to 0.0.88-20240111172456-b0def00a

dcaro moved this task from In Progress to Done on the Toolforge (Toolforge iteration 03) board.