There's an awesome new permalink in the "Checks" tab in Gerrit to find CI results that are still in progress. This currently sets the search parameter to change,id like 1005792,1. But, comma is a separator for matching multiple terms on the Zuul Status page like submit,perf or 1234,1235
Which means 1005792,1 performs a search akin to 1005792 OR 1 and that matches literally everything.
I would suggest changing the link to search for the change number only. This also has the benefit of making the link a bit more stable, i.e. I can open it once and get the jobs not just for this patch set number, but if I then rebase it (which kills the jobs and leaves no results) I can then see the next patch set's results.
Afaik we don't have jobs where multiple patch sets can be active in a way that would make them not useful to the same person looking at it. So two birds with one stone :)