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External links are broken
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT

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apaskulin moved this task from Backlog to Confirmed Problem on the JSDoc WMF theme board.
apaskulin subscribed.

Thanks for opening this, @Nardog!

Change 1010565 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alex Paskulin; author: Alex Paskulin):

[mediawiki/core@master] docs: Fix links in JSDoc comments

Change 1010565 abandoned by Alex Paskulin:

[mediawiki/core@master] docs: Fix links in JSDoc comments


fixing in configuration instead

Instead of fixing these links manually, there's a plugin in the theme ( that will support links in angle brackets, as used in the files where links are currently broken. To enable this, we'll need to:

  • update the theme's package.json to include betterlinks.js
  • update the jsdoc config in MediaWiki core to include node_modules/jsdoc-wmf-theme/plugins/betterlinks as a plugin

There's also T344859: Add our own plugins to the theme proposing putting theme plugins in a plugins directory if we want to do that instead. Edit: This might be worth considering since we also have this plugin that we'd like to include in the theme: T357797: Move allow-dots-in-modules plugin into the theme

Change 1011330 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alex Paskulin; author: Alex Paskulin):

[jsdoc/wmf-theme@master] plugins: Set up plugins directory

Change 1011330 merged by jenkins-bot:

[jsdoc/wmf-theme@master] plugins: Set up plugins directory

apaskulin claimed this task.

Fixed in v1.0.0 by enabling the betterlinks plugin, with the exception of the link on which is tracked by T362427: Phabricator links processed twice