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Gsoc-2024 : Improve InlineComments Extension Project Proposal
Closed, DeclinedPublic

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Authored By
Mar 11 2024, 9:54 PM
Referenced Files
F44036492: defaultSkin.css.png
Apr 1 2024, 3:01 PM
F44036414: UserNotification.php.png
Apr 1 2024, 3:01 PM
F44036118: sidenotes.js (1).png
Apr 1 2024, 3:01 PM
F44036059: sidenotes.js.png
Apr 1 2024, 3:01 PM
F44035909: ray-so-export (1).png
Apr 1 2024, 3:01 PM
Restricted File
Mar 25 2024, 9:08 PM
Restricted File
Mar 25 2024, 9:08 PM
Restricted File
Mar 25 2024, 9:08 PM


Proposal for :
Phabricator Proposal :

Profile Information

Name: Angel Sharma
Github: fillingtothemomo
Phabricator: Rockingpenny4
Gerrit: rockingpenny4
Location: Mathura, India
Time Zone: IST(UTC+5.30)
Working hours: 3:00 PM to 3:00 AM (IST)


InlineComments ( is a relatively new MediaWiki extension that provides a long-missing feature for MediaWiki: the ability to do inline annotation on pages, in the manner of Google Docs, Confluence and other content-management systems.
The extension works fairly well but some improvements can be added like adding user mentions to ping them in the comments, making sidebar creation more neutral and displaying correct date/time on adding a new comment with reloading the page.

Possible Mentor(s)
Yaron Koren and Brian Wolff

Have you contacted your mentors already?


  • Add correct display of username and date/time of posting, on comment creation - currently, these are only displayed correctly for comments created before the page was loaded (T355943) This can be done by declaring a getCurrentTimestamp function in ApiAddAnnotation.php for comment creation and ApiAddReply.php for comment replies :
    ray-so-export (1).png (714×1 px, 357 KB)
    rather than a separate API as that would lead to another request causing delay. Using the function , we can fetch the timestamp in sidenotes.js and makeComment.js :
    sidenotes.js.png (534×1 px, 226 KB)
    and appending it with the username in author.textContent :
    sidenotes.js (1).png (534×1 px, 236 KB)
    I have already implemented these features in my PRs listed below in past contributions

  • Add user mentions, i.e. selecting a user or users to "ping" about the current discussion by typing "@" and then selecting a username from the dropdown (T355942)

The InlineComments should support "@"-style user mentions. That means the following:

  • If a user types "@" in a comment (either a new comment or a reply), then an alphanumeric character afterwards, an autocompletion dropdown should appear, letting the user select from the set of usernames on the wiki that match what the user has typed.
  • If the user selects one of those usernames from the dropdown, the username should appear, highlighted or bolded in some way. UI Mockup :
    Screenshot from 2024-03-15 22-03-51.png (556×1 px, 120 KB)
  • Once a comment is saved, the username(s) in that comment should still be highlighted or bolded when the comment is displayed. UI Mockup :
    image.png (700×1 px, 126 KB)
  • Any users who are "mentioned" in an inline comment should get notified, via the Echo extension. Source: Using EchoEvent::create() we can create a new event class that defines general events, collects information about the related page, user and wiki and inserts them into the database. As part of the definition of the event we detail which users receive a notification from this event. This is defined by the parameter 'user-locators' => array( ... ) , we can also use web or email notifications preferences. Using EchoPresentationModel we can create the model in which our notification will be presented by setting several parameters like getIconType, getSubjectMessage etc. After selecting users to notify from the dropdown simply locate those users and trigger the notification event.

    UserNotification.php.png (848×1 px, 374 KB)
    This can be done in three main ways : an entirely custom solution, a solution involving a 3rd-party autocompletion JS library, or via the "@"-autocompletion feature in the DiscussionTools extension, which in turn relies on VisualEditor. If one were to go with the third approach, it would mean that every textarea in InlineComments would in reality be a VisualEditor input; if that were done, it may make sense to use JS or CSS to hide the VE toolbar from users. (It would also mean that three other MW extensions would be required for the InlineComments user mentions feature to work fully: VisualEditor, DiscussionTools and Echo.) On discussing , maybe a third party auto-completion library will be a better option if we could populate the user data as using the Visual Editor but hiding the toolbar seems kind of a hack.

  • Make sidebar creation more skin-neutral - currently, the "sidebar" in which comments are displayed is created on somewhat of a skin-by-skin basis; it would be good to have the code handle all skins in a standard way, via CSS and/or JavaScript (T355948) Currently to render comments on the sidebar InlineComments has a default CSS file, but also custom CSS files for Vector, Vector 2022 and a few other skins.

    defaultSkin.css.png (758×1 px, 315 KB)
    However, this might be faulty for other skins that are not handled by the CSS so either we could make one css file for all skins which might lead to some duplicate code , or we could handle each skin differently based on different page width of elements and come up with a smart implementation using Javascript and some CSS.


Work on open issues on wikimedia phabricator and improve my skills and understanding of the mediawiki codebase , whilst still exploring the project codebase and gathering more information about features to be implemented during GSOC project. I have already contributed to various extensions like InlineComments, PageTriage, MobileFrontend, AdminLinks and WikiEduDashboard and learnt a lot from each PR made.
Community Bonding Period

May 02, 2024 - May 27, 2024Get in touch with the mentors and familiarize myself with the community and codebase. I'll discuss potential approaches and ideas to solve the issues and improve the extension. Understand the architecture and identify relevant parts of the codebase for the issues.

Coding Period

May 27, 2024 - June 03, 2024As I have already implemented the date/time display deliverable , I will focus on improving the feature , I believe it could be refined even more and integrated seamlessly into the code as suggested by the mentors. Test it for bugs and refining the code as needed.
June 03, 2024 - June 17, 2024Start working on making sidebar creation more skin-neutral and going through the custom CSS files of different skins in order to analyse and understand the code and figure out a potential solution, whilst simultaneously updating documentation. Also, write the bi-weekly report.
June 17, 2024 - June 24, 2024Research for implementations through CSS and/or Javascript and discussing with mentors to produce an optimized code that works with almost all skins. Finalise the code changes and test each skin with the solution to ensure uniformity and resolve code reviews, and document the code modifications. Write the bi-weekly report.
July 01, 2024 - July 08, 2024Use this time to work on unforseen delays and issues that may occur during the project , if all goes according to plan discuss new ideas and features for improving the extension with the mentors, and in case of no pending work, start researching implementations of user mentions and echo extension, prepare for mid-evaluation, and receive feedback from the mentors. Write bi-weekly report.


July 08, 2024 - July 15, 2024Work on feedback received from the evaluation and continue research for "@-style" user mention feature from the suggested approaches and also the autocomplete feature such that user can select the required users from a drop-down menu on mentioning them. Research 3rd-party autocompletion JS libraries and compare it's feasibility and efficiency with the DiscussionTools extension.
July 15, 2024 - July 22, 2024Work on implementing the proposed approach after discussing with mentors and handling the case of anonymous users. Write bi-weekly report.
July 22, 2024 - July 29, 2024Implement the auto-complete feature from the drop-down and research on echo-extension implementation for notification handling.
July 29, 2024 - August 05, 2024Integrate notification with mentioned users and implementing the proposed UI, a mockup of which is described above. Write bi-weekly report.
August 05, 2024 - August 12, 2024Conduct thorough testing and update documentation , finalise the GSOC deliverables and work on bug-fixes, if any.
August 12, 2024 - August 19, 2024If completed early, start working on new features proposed during GSOC period, one of which is listed as a future goal below. Write bi-weekly report.
August 19, 2024 - August 26, 2024Continue working on new features and prepare for final-evaluation as needed per the timeline.
August 26, 2024 - September 2, 2024*Buffer-period* for working on the new features and timeline might shift accordingly. Submit final blog report after GSOC completion.

Final- Evaluation

I am learning a lot by contributing to Wikimedia. Even after the GSoC period ends, I plan on contributing to this organization by adding to my past projects and working on open issues because of the familiarity of the technical stack and the new challenges that I am continually offered in the process.
Also, I would like to complete the future goals mentioned in my proposal. Having picked up many development skills, my primary focus would be to help the project and the community grow. I would also be interested in helping other people in getting started with their open-source journey and guide them in this fun process.

Future Goals
-Implement an edit feature for users' comments as it is something InlineComments lacks and will make it much more user-friendly -opened a task for this feature . Proposed approach is making a new API like ApiEditAnnotations.php in src/Api that has a method to fetch comments by their Id and a method to edit the comment and another method to save the edited comment to the server. This Api has to be integrated in makeComments.js and sidenotes.js in resources directory to work with comments and replies in thread. Approach might be changed on discussion with mentors.
-Suggest more changes and features during the GSOC period.

I am active on Email, Zulip, Discord and Slack. I will use Phabricator and Gerrit for issue discussions and code reviews. I plan on regularly meeting with my mentor to discuss my progress, resolve code reviews promptly and provide punctual check-ins and get feedback on my work. I can dedicate 40+ hours a week as I have no other commitments.

About Me

College: Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Roorkee
Year of Study: 2nd year
Field of Study: Mathematics and Computing(Bachelors of Science)


I am a member of IMG- Information and Management Group of my college and we are responsible for handling the entire college's data , the Institute official website and Channeli - a one stop application for student and faculty's entire information ranging from placement stats and noticeboard to lost and found and complaints and grievances ; and various other projects. Hence , I have a lot of experience working on production level apps used by thousands of people and working with an amazing and collaborative team that makes a huge impact.

  • Javascript, jQuery ,HTML,CSS, Tailwind : Used vanilla JS in making projects like comic-book displaying website and basic games and CSS for styling.
  • Django, PHP: Making backend for various applications
  • React JS , Vue JS: Used for frontend development in full stack projects
  • Flutter, Java : Used for app development in Android Studio
  • Docker

How did you hear about this program?
After getting into college, I learned about Google Summer of Code from my seniors, and some of them were selected for it and after talking with them, I looked at the program with greater interest.

Will you have any other time commitments, such as school work, another job, planned vacation, etc., during the program?
No, my current semester ends in May first week, and I will have holidays for 2.5 months where I can commit all my focus to this project, and I have no other commitments.

We advise all candidates eligible for Google Summer of Code and Outreachy to apply for both programs. Are you planning to apply to both programs and, if so, with what organization(s)?
I am 100% loyal to Wikimedia Foundation and only plan on applying to Google Summer of Code with the Wikimedia Foundation.

What does making this project happen mean to you?
I have always been excited by the prospect of converting ideas into products with real-world impact and that is exactly what the Wikimedia Foundation does, producing free and open-source applications that impart learning to millions of people over the globe.
I am highly interested in this project, and contributing to Wikimedia since December 2023 has been a really fantastic learning experience with assistance from all mentors; each PR teaches me something new, and each feedback and code review enhances my coding skills and understanding of the project. Getting to work on this project will teach me production-level code structures and massively impact my learning.

Past Experience

Contributions to Wikimedia

Add timestamp display to comment replies
App timestamp display on comment creation
ALRow: Add row search class
Fixes expand sections visibility on browser resize
Fixes DateControlSection component cut-off
Fixes date a11y issues
Fixes inconsistent highlight issue in navbar
Restores the page to default page on resolving all comments Review
Fixes toolbar falling off screen on zooming Review
refactors milestones to functional component Review
renders dates for milestones in home tab Review

As a part of a microtask I created a small independent tool/web app that interacts with Wikimedia API and displays some information about an article. The tool has a frontend built using VueJS and the Wikimedia Codex UI library. Wiki_Word leverages mediawiki's opensearch API and Codex UI library for user to search a specific word in an article of language of their choice with a cool dark mode.
Deployed here

Past Projects
Worked on a project on app development using Flutter and Arduino using infrared sensors for a wayfinding app for blind and visually
impaired people under an event organized by a technical club of our college.

My first major React project.Made a full stack application for managing personal groups and projects using React JS and Django backend with
MySQL and Tailwind CSS for styling.

-DRDO sensor Malware[Stealth Project]
Worked on developing malware apps for DRDO ( Defence Research and Development Organisation ), India, in a research internship under Dr. Sateesh K. Peddoju involving native android development.

Other open-source contributions
Official docker distribution of Omniport - one true portal for every educational institute.
CircuitVerse is a free, open-source platform that allows users to construct digital logic circuits online.

Event Timeline

Yaron_Koren subscribed.

This proposal, although very good, was not chosen - sorry.