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Future of OOUI and MediaWiki UI
Open, Needs TriagePublic


I didn't found a ticket about the future of OOUI and MediaWiki UI. On MediaWiki wiki I can read:

Codex's toolkit will replace OOUI as the default user interface library. Currently development at the Wikimedia Foundation is focused on Codex, the design system for Wikimedia. It features guidelines and a set of tools: design tokens, components, and icons.

New OOUI feature development is limited only to products that are bound to it and have not (yet) been adapted to use Codex instead. —

Is Codex still not enough mature? When Codex will be fully features complete, have you any plans for OOUI and MediaWikiUI? OOUI will be kept in maintenance mode for a moment, but MediaWikiUI will be removed?

This is only a ticket for long term community planification. I am not here to argue that something should be X and not Y. We just need visibility on the matter.

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Hi @Lofhi, thanks for seeking clarity about this.

MediaWiki UI will be removed. You can follow that work at T182050. There are still a few things to sort out there, but overall we expect MediaWiki UI to be removed by mid-2024 calendar year.

For OOUI, Codex is "mature enough" to be used as a replacement going forward in many use cases. There are some limitations to Codex usage that we are still working through, notably its usefulness in building server-rendered forms (T359011) and leveraging Vue.js components in gadgets and user scripts (T313945). We're planning to better communicate the level of support that will be provided to OOUI very soon. You'll hear about that through the normal channels like wikitech-l and the technical newsletter.