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Remove MP data tables for Android instruments using monoschema
Open, LowPublic1 Estimated Story Points


Follow up to T354199


The initial Android integration of the Metrics Platform library included 4 article instruments that used the monoschema - these are no longer collecting data since the switch to the data contract schemas so we should clean up and remove their corresponding tables in Hive.

The 4 tables to be removed have android.metrics_platform.* prefixes:

  • android_metrics_platform_article_link_preview_interaction
  • android_metrics_platform_article_toc_interaction
  • android_metrics_platform_article_toolbar_interaction
  • android_metrics_platform_find_in_page_interaction

Acceptance Criteria

  • Tables are removed from Hive

Technical notes

This task requires manual deletion of the tables so should be done by pairing with someone who has the proper credentials (presumably not everyone has delete privileges).