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Generative designs for WE3.1
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We want to mock up several potential concepts for WE3.1 based on the desk reseach and sketching exercises with the Web Team.

User story

As a WE3.1 stakeholder, I want to see several, divergent, low-fidelity concepts that will address the hypothesis.


  • List out the ideas in written form
  • Do 3-5 concept sketches for each idea
  • Share the concepts at the design review on 11/04/2024
  • Review the early concepts with stakeholders: @cmadeo @ovasileva @dchen @Jdlrobson and the web team
  • Revise the most promising concepts into medium-fidelity wireframes
  • Do a feasibility roadshow with the development team

Event Timeline

This will be fed by the activities in T362120, T362116, T362117, T362120

  • Intervention area: the bottom of infoboxes
  • Move related articles up the page on Minerva, and create a place for it on Vector
  • A mobile-first media viewer
  • An "article detail page" as a home for a lot of the nitty gritty could free up reading UI
  • Create multi-tasking affordances : browse while you listen
  • "Super links" that launch you into an "explore" experience
  • A mind map button that launches a galaxy-brain view of the the article and it's place. in the knowledge network.
  • Search within article
  • A "read next" affordance that brings you to the next item in a linear reading list.

[ ] Re-design the homepage

  • A floating drawer as the intervention area
  • A reading queue
  • Link to articles from citations
  • Save a reference
  • References direct you back into Wiki
  • Recommendations in page previews
  • An "ask professor wiki" affordance in search
  • Bring article summary paragraphs into search results
  • Provide machine-translated search results from other languages for multi-lingual readers
  • Pull items from the navbox into empty state search
  • Put recently visited articles in the Search bar empty state
  • "try searching for..." search hinting
  • HMW recommend orphan articles?

[ ] Extending existing search interface to allow more intuitive discovery of collections of articles a reader doesn't know the name of

  • Re-design search on mobile to make it more prominent
  • Mobile should expand all by default
  • Re-design the TOC on mobile
JScherer-WMF renamed this task from Concept sketches for WE3.1 to Generative designs for WE3.1.Wed, May 29, 10:18 PM
JScherer-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

Moving this back to our backlog until @ovasileva and I have capacity to work through it.