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[Spike] What do existing users get
Open, MediumPublic



  • WE would like to know what the current behavior is for users that have already set a font size through the beta feature so that we can determine how to deploy with the lease amount of pain possible

User story

  • As a beta feature user, I want my setting to persist after the default switch, so that I don't have to take any additional action


  • n/a


  • n/a

Acceptance criteria

  • Answer the following question:
  • If I am a logged in user who has opted into the appearance menu as a beta feature and have set my font to a non-default option, will my font setting change once the team deploys the feature to all users?
  • If yes:
  • Create a ticket to make sure setting is preserved

Communication criteria - does this need an announcement or discussion?

  • n/a

Event Timeline

ovasileva created this task.
ovasileva lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Apr 9 2024, 4:30 PM

Since we're not changing the default for logged-in users, this is low priority for now.

We discussed this just now in task sync, and decided we don't need to take action on this until we address the logged-in user case.

As things exist right now, we will see the following outcomes for the following class of users:

  1. Beta users: no change
  2. logged in, non-beta users -> give menu, don't set new default (already small)
  3. logged out = no impact at the moment

When we’re ready to change the default for new users, we will get back to this