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Add the usage of Wikipedia Preview in the Editor menu to dashboard
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With the instrumentation for the usage of Wikipedia Preview in the Editor menu by Site owners T355162, we want to add this metric to Wikipedia Preview Dashboard.

Event Timeline

cchen triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 16 2024, 3:54 PM

Charts for Usage of the Wikipedia Preview Option on the Editing Tool Bar were added to the Wikipedia Preview dashboard.

Charts for Usage of the Wikipedia Preview Option on the Editing Tool Bar were added to the Wikipedia Preview dashboard.

Please note that if you are counting the webrequests with ?wprov=wpwpp, those are not clicks. They are requests to the search API. For each usage of the tool, or clicks on the W icon, there will be between 1 and many search API requests. Those can be clustered by IP and timestamp to give a better estimate of feature usage volume.

I updated the dashboard with new calculations grouped by time and IP.