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parsoidtest1001 implementation tracking
Open, Needs TriagePublic


This task is to track the service implementation of serviceops host(s) listed in the task description.

Once the linked racking task has been resolved, this task can be implemented.

This sub-task creation/update is per the request of serviceops; this task is assigned at creation to the 'Sub-team Technical Contact' provided in the initial ordering task.

Related Objects


Event Timeline

RobH removed projects: ops-eqiad, DC-Ops.
RobH unsubscribed.

Change #1024399 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alexandros Kosiaris; author: Alexandros Kosiaris):

[operations/puppet@production] Add parsoidtest1001 preseed and site.pp

Change #1024400 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alexandros Kosiaris; author: Alexandros Kosiaris):

[operations/puppet@production] Switch scandium references to parsoidtest1001

akosiaris added a subscriber: ssastry.

Adding @ssastry for their information.

This is the host that will be replacing scandium once it's racked and all.

The patches uploaded here take care of most things, including the first steps of decommissioning scandium. They carry state and need to be merged in the order they are uploaded.

Change #1024402 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alexandros Kosiaris; author: Alexandros Kosiaris):

[operations/puppet@production] Remove scandium from puppet