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Consider using different colors for subtle backgrounds in night mode
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In day mode, background-color-neutral-subtle is #f8f9fa (used e.g. for wikitable <td>s) and background-color-neutral is #eaecf0 (used e.g. for wikitable <th>s).
In night mode, both are set to #202122.

This causes wikitables to not have a visual separation between header and body cells apart from the bolded text. If the table uses the plainrowheaders class (enwiki) or has bold text in body cells, it is especially difficult to distinguish between header and body of the table.

At dewiki, we're using #f8f9fa and #eaecf0 in our project specific css background classes (hintergrundfarbe1 and hintergrundfarbe5, see As part of slowly preparing dewiki for night mode and general modernization of our css, I rewrote these classes to use the design tokens where applicable. Now two of them get the same color in night mode, which might be confusing in cases where a visual difference is expected.

Maybe there's a way to allow distinguishing the two color tokens also in night mode like in day mode.

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson subscribed.

Thanks for taking the time to file this report. The color choices themselves are still in flux.

Production appears to be outdated with the current source of truth:

These will not be used in production until next week though.

Nice to see that a "fix" (it's not really a bug) is on the way. Thanks for having a look at this.

CCiufo-WMF subscribed.

Moving to "Following" until the changes are in prod next week for review.

It's fine now, could be marked as resolved IMO