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Armenia in WLE statistic
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Armenia missing in WLE statistic list. Every year this problem arises.

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Hi @Beko, thanks for taking the time to report this! Where to see this problem? Please provide sufficient information that allows someone else to reproduce this problem. Is this about Tool-wikiloves?

Armenia has already uploaded pictures that are in the appropriate category, which is in the same category as all the other countries, but Armenia does not appear in the statistics.




Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2024-05-04T21:13:49Z] <wmbot~jeanfred@tools-sgebastion-10> Deploy 2f5ac27 (T364035)

JeanFred claimed this task.
JeanFred subscribed.

The story has been touched before in T284129#7144208 or T318944#8289726: since 2017 the tool expects the category name to be Images from Wiki Loves XYZ in Armenia & Nagorno-Karabakh (e810058). I was under the impression that this was supposed to be the standard pattern.

8 years later, it clearly was not, so I have now changed back the default to Armenia. Re-running has picked up the changes for earth2024

It should not break anything for the past years, but it’s not impossible. Please keep an eye and tell me if some stats for Armenia from 2018 or something vanish :)