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InternetArchiveBot is adding Wayback template after cite templates
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Affected wiki(s):

Diff(s) (if applicable):

What is happening?:
InternetArchiveBot is adding Wayback template after cite news, cite web, etc regardless of whether the template contains archive links.

What should happen instead?:
The bot should update links inside the cite templates; when archive links exist, it should do nothing.

List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

  • Bot
  • Running IABot

Other information:

Event Timeline

Two manifestations have been noticed for the time being:

  • The parameters for archiving are not injected into the parameter sequence of the cite series templates. (like this)
  • The "archive address" (archive-url, archiveurl) and "archive date" (archive-date, archivedate) in the parameter sequence of the cite series templates were not recognized, regardless of whether there is a hyphen in the middle. (like this)

Is it due to some robot code updates or control interface adjustments?

Cyberpower678 triaged this task as High priority.

Looking into this.

@Shizhao Would you be able to roll that edit back for the time being?