- cloudvirt1031.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1032.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1033.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1034.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1035.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1036.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1037.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1038.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1039.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1040.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1041.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1042.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1043.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1044.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1045.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1046.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1047.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1048.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1049.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1050.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1051.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1052.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1053.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1054.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1055.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1056.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1057.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1058.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1059.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1060.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1061.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1062.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1063.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1064.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1065.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1066.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirt1067.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirtlocal1001.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirtlocal1002.eqiad.wmnet
- cloudvirtlocal1003.eqiad.wmnet
cloudvirt-wdqs1001.eqiad.wmnet -
cloudvirt-wdqs1002.eqiad.wmnet -
For each hypervisor:
- Prevent draining from moving VMs to OVS hosts:
you@cloudcontrol1007 $ sudo wmcs-openstack server list --host cloudvirtXXXX --all -f json | jq -r '.[]|select(.Name | contains("canaryXXXX") | not).ID' | xargs -L1 sudo python3 /root/backfill-extra-specs.py --instance-uuid
- Drain with the cookbook
- Stop the canary VM
- Set profile::openstack::eqiad1::neutron::use_ovs: true in Hiera and reimage host
- Delete the old network agent with wmcs-openstack network agent delete
- Recreate canary VM
- Add to ceph and network-ovs aggregates, remove from 'maintenance'